
Сообщения за 2021

Sims 3 Shopping

   THIS POST on SIMBLR ЭТОТ ПОСТ в моем блоге на tumblr.com   Sims 3 Shopping is a collection of mods that improve buying in Sims 3. WILL BE UPDATED! Mods are included: 1. MFC_Register This mod made items from World Adventures Cash Registers avalaible for sale in non-WA worlds. Сash registers affected: - General Store - Relics Store - Nectar Store Some local items are left untouched to preserve the meaning of the gameplay. Mod name: MFC Register Resource used: Register.xml --------------------- REQUIREMENTS --------------------- Sims 3 patch 1.63-1,67 Sims 3 EP World Adventures --------------------- INSTALLATION --------------------- 1. Extract files from the archive using 7zip by Igov Pavlov or any other same tool. 7-zip is free software with open source which correctly unpacking 7z, ZIP, .RAR and many others. Download 7-zip from the official website: https://www.7-zip.org/ 2. Than just put MFC_Register.package in Mods/Packages. Please check if any other mods use ...

World for Builders

      THIS POST on SIMBLR ЭТОТ ПОСТ в моем блоге на tumblr.com      Well, what's here? This is just a tool that will save you time when accessing Buy/Build mode and creating your own buildings. *You need to load a world before you can access Buy/Build mode and work on lot. 😍 Well, this is the small world loading in a few seconds. A lot of lots with popular sizes. A lot of space for you to place lots of any size you want. Flat map. No trees or spawners. Default lighting. Easy routing. Required Base Game only. Patch 1.63-1.67., but I think there will be no problems on other patches. --------------------- WORLD INFO --------------------- The Map Size is Medium. Flat map. No trees or Spawn Points. Default lighting. Easy routing. Lot sizes: 64x64 = 3 60x60 = 3 50x50 = 8 50x40 = 2 40x40 = 8 30x40 = 6 30x30 = 6 30x20 = 8 20x20 = 7 20x40 = 2 All lots are empty. Also there are large free area on the map where you can make more lots with sizes you like. Don't forget...

World for CAS

  THIS POST on SIMBLR ЭТОТ ПОСТ в моем блоге на tumblr.com    Well, what's here? This is just a tool that will save your time when accessing CAS and help you to create detailed families. This tool is very useful if you create a few families to populate the world. If you create a single family this tool is very useful too. *You need to load the world before you can access CAS . ...and it's a long story. 😍 Well, this is the small world loading in a few seconds. No trees or spawners. Default lighting. Easy routing. *To set a career and career level for a sim you need to have a career building in the world. 😍 Well, there are buildings for all careers in this world. For all careers from Base Game and addons. For Rabbit Holes Careers, for Part Time Careers, for Active Careers, for SkillBased Careers. Required Base Game only! 💃 So you just load this world, go to CAS and create a family, than place created family on residential lot, than set career, career level, skills, trait...

Modeling Career Retuned -EN, RU

    THIS POST on SIMBLR ЭТОТ ПОСТ в моем блоге на tumblr.com The Modelling_Career by rspn99 is great but extremely difficult. The requirements for promotion are terribly high! Why, why he tortures those cute models?! We must save them! --------------------- VERSIONS --------------------- MFC_Modelling_Career_Retuned 1. Requirements for Mood and Charisma for promotion now are realistic and close to Political Career and Acting Branch of Film Career. 2. Athletic skill is now required for promotion for lvl 1-10 and requirements are close to Professional sports Career. 3. Relationship with Boss is now required for promotion for lvl 1-5 only and requirements are close to Political Career. 4. Relationship with Coworkers is now not required for promotion. 5. Celebrity Level is now required for promotion for lvl 6-10 and requirements are close to Acting Branch of Film Career. 6. Some fixes made for career events. 7. Positive salary for lvl 1 instead of negative salary in original mod....

Sims 3 Careers Global Overhaul - EN, RU

   THIS MOD on ModTheSims! ЭТОТ МОД на MTS! Узнать больше и скачать! THIS POST on SIMBLR ЭТОТ ПОСТ в моем блоге на tumblr.com Well, what’s wrong with EA Sims 3 Careers? 👎 Low wages in the RH careers even at high levels. It is really killing you if you play the game with NRaas Story Progression. For example, if inactive Sim is The Leader of Free World (Political Career lvl 10), I suppose it is normally if he lives in a rich manor with his family, but… well, you know – the bills are coming. NRaas SP makes property management realistic – and at one day you will find this respectable politician in a starter house. 👎 Inefficient time management. At low and medium levels, there are too many workdays and working hours per workday combines with low wages per hour. At high levels, the salary per hour is higher, but the numbers of working hours per day is less – and let’s not forget about two hours on the way to the office and back, so anyway the day is lost. Fin...